Who We Are

About Live Well Teens

Who We Are

Live Well Teens is  a  blog  started  by  two  high school students  to raise awareness about teen-and tween-related health issues. We want to ensure that teenagers and anyone who wants or needs to help this age group to be aware about these issues and be equipped with the knowledge to act - from teenagers themselves.

​The Story of Live Well Teens

Many people - teenagers, parents, and counselors - know somewhat about teenage issues. However, teenagers often get their information from peers rather than trusted people. Because of this problem, we decided to start Live Well Teens to provide high-quality, evidence-based information free of commercial interests.

​Format of Our Content

We write blog posts and host webinars. We aim to reach out to middle and high schools throughout the United States to spread the message about these issues in the future.

​How We Maintain Accuracy

All of the information that we provide in our webinars and blog posts  is  reviewed by a board-certified medical doctor. Whenever possible, we have attempted to use peer-reviewed papers to back the information in our articles. If you find an error in our information, do not hesitate to contact us! We would appreciate your feedback.

​About Our Logo

Our logo is a barstool, whose three legs represent the three different aspects of teenage health: physical, mental, and social. Each are equally important to your overall well-being. Thus, if you neglect one or more aspects, the barstool becomes unstable and falls over.